What is Batch Operating System | Advantages of Batch Operating System

  Batch Operating System : 

Batch operating system is a type of operating system. When any user use Batch Operating System so they user don't interact with the computer directly.  Batch Operating system is the first operating system of the second generation computer. Batch Operating System took the input on the punch card. Each punch had the different form of data. Batch Operating System executed the jobs one by one. When one job from the batch executed, then the second job has taken from it and so on. 


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There are two types of Batch Operating System.

1. Simple Batch System.

2. Multiprogrammed Batch System.

Advantages of Batch Operating System:

1. In Batch Operating System some jobs in the batch are higher executed speed.

2. They does not require any special hardware and system support to input data.

3. Multiusers can share the batch system.

4. In Batch Operating System the idle time for the batch system is very less.

5. It is easy to manage large work repeatedly in batch system.

Disadvantages of  Batch Operating System.

1. The Batch System is hard to debug.

2. Its sometimes costly.

3. In Batch Operating System the other jobs will have to wait for an unknown time if any job fail.
